Saturday, May 10, 2014

the lost art of homemaking

And child rearing. I'm not talking about having a house that could be featured in the latest design magazine, but a home! A place of refuge from the crazy world we live in. A place were as family we can grow and learn and be content.

This is kinda my soapbox. I feel like our society has placed a premium on convenience to the detriment of our families. Homemakers have been made to feel as if there is no value to what they do. That they can be replaced by the latest time saving gadget with no consequence. We have been told that there is more value to getting a college degree and earning a paycheck then there is to making a home and raising the next generation. I beg to differ!

I myself have fallen victim to this attitude and before I had children I was going to light the world on fire and make a lot of money and everything would be perfect. Well once those little ones came into my life I realized that I didn't want someone else raising them. They were little sponges that would soak up whatever came their way, and that scared me a little. However, the mold had been set and we were not in a position for me to be at home full time. We made choices the best we could and focused on our family, but what I would've given to turn back the clock and make some wiser decisions before we started our family.

I'd like to pass on some of the things I have learned over the years to you young people. First, remember no one is going to take better care of your family than you. You are in charge of raising up your child in the way they should go. Second, don't fall victim to advertising - they are not concerned about you, they want to make a buck.  And third, sometimes you can make more money by saving money with things like cooking from scratch and not paying for things you can do yourself. And the saved money is not taxed!

Remember we are in charge of what our society looks like and if each family would look to taking care of their home and family we could see the tide turn. I came across this video recently and thought you all might like it.  Happy Mother's Day!



  1. The video is a hoot! I so agree with everything you said. Excellent post. Nothing is more important than the next generation! They are the world's future. If we slack off on preparing them for that role, we fail not only them, but ourselves and everyone else as well.

    1. Leigh, thanks again for the encouragement.

  2. Hello mamawizzy! I see my blog buddy Leigh is following you, how lucky you are, she is a wealth of cool info. Wish I had seen the wisdom of staying home with my kids when they were younger. I worked long hours as nurse manger for the first two was home more for the second two. Now home all the time to help keep my GK's out of child care centers. My "wisdom" came LATE in life ! Keep up the blogging. I'll be back.

    1. Thanks Donna! I understand "late wisdom" for sure, but better late then never, right. I think both you and Leigh are great sources of wisdom and education which is why I follow you!
