Tuesday, February 24, 2015

making progress

As you can see we have the fence up - I just love my little gate! The limestones you see around will be used to finish the walk to the mailbox. I can't wait to do some landscaping! I plan to keep it simple and in keeping with our plan to have things that are sustainable. I'll use native plants and things that will be able to withstand the Texas weather.

Landscaping is one thing but gardening is going to be a little more challenging because I've never really gardened in Texas.  I came from California where it seems that all you have to do is throw a seed on the ground and it will grow! Here I have to concern myself with bugs and heat.  Not that there weren't bugs and heat in California, but here in the summer once it gets hot, it stays hot. No cool evenings for the plants to recover. It seems that there are really two growing seasons; early spring and late fall. I've been told that if I don't get the tomatoes in soon it will be too late!  Anyway, I'll be learning.

We're still trying to get the things we need to function as a productive homestead - things like a farm truck, a shed and a chicken coop.  Well we got the farm truck! Next on the list is the chicken coop. Papawizzy and I are having trouble agreeing on the type of coop to build. I've suggested a couple ideas and he has vetoed most of them! I think we've narrowed it down to something like this.

With this type of plan we can have the chickens help us in the garden! Now we just need to build the coop and get the chickens :).  I was planning on getting the chicks in the next couple of weeks, and I thought I'd just order them online from a hatchery.  Much to my surprise people start ordering early and since I waited this long, I wouldn't be able to get the breeds I want until about June! With this development, I'm thinking of going to my local feed store and picking up some there. I won't be able to be as picky about breed type, but I don't want to wait until June to get started!

So off I go this morning to get the supplies for the brooder.  I want to be prepared for the little chicks whenever I get them!


The Farm Truck

View from back porch

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