Friday, October 30, 2015

tryin to get the bones right

I don't think it matters how much property you have, it's always a bit of a challenge figuring out how to use it! We have an acre of land, well actually .91 acre, and I have all these ideas of what I would like to do. One of the most important things to me is to make it as productive as possible; and I want it to be a fun place for my friends, kids and grandkids to come.

So we have our house, chicken coop, a storage shed and a recently completed a fenced garden area. We've accomplished a lot, but I think we will be working on this place until we either die or move - whichever comes first :)! Once we get done with one project, it's on to the next one. Papawizzy just loves it when I say, "you know, I was thinking . . .." He knows that means work for him!  Thankfully he loves me and tries to give me what I ask for.

So now we are getting plenty of eggs. Enough to give a dozen to my daughter each week, one for us and one to give away to neighbors, friends etc.

The hens production will probably slow down a little as the days get shorter, but that's okay.  I've decided not to add artificial light to their coop to keep their production up. For a couple reasons, not the least of which is the fact that we don't have electricity in the coop (that's another project :)), but also because I've read that it's harder on the hens over the long run.

We finished the fenced garden, but not soon enough to plant much.  I've planted some cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and a few herbs, we'll see how they do.  In Texas we have spring and fall planting, but if it freezes too soon, what I've planted may not come to much.  I'm still learning!

I will definitely be looking forward to planting the tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans and strawberries come spring!

We are also trying to do a little landscaping as we go. One of the challenges is keeping the chickens from eating the young plants when they are out in the yard! We have lost several plants already. Until the plants get established we are only letting them out when we are outside so we can shoo them away from said plants! 

You can see the damage they can do in the first few photos on the left! The last three photos are after we replanted and started the outdoor control program :)! I'm very happy that we decided to make a coop and run large enough so that when necessary we can keep them out of the yard without them feeling crowded and getting too unhappy.

We are also planning to use rain water to take care of watering the garden and livestock. We are catching about 600 gallons off our house roof and also some more off the chicken run roof. We could catch a lot more if we had bigger containers, but that would get more complicated. We went to a lecture on how to catch rainwater for all your water needs. The couple that gave the talk lives in the area and stores about 3,000 gallons to run their household and take care of livestock. It was impressive, but at this point we're not prepared for the expense setting up a system like that would entail.

"Cooped up"
So that's a little update on what's happening at the homestead. The next few projects will include getting more grass to grow, a patio with a BBQ area between the house and the fenced garden, some paths to the coop and garden, a compost bin and planting some fruit trees. Whew, that should keep us busy!

So, I was thinking . . . how about some rabbits? What's happening on your homestead?



  1. Love you posts! Hope all is well with you and your family. Give your mom a kiss for me!
    Love always,
    Cousin Laura

  2. You have done wonderfully well in getting your place established. i had to chuckle about the chickens; they are notorious for undoing what the humans do, LOL

    We've been working on increasing our rainwater catchment too. The amount that's actually needed is quite overwhelming, but it's good systems can easily be added onto and enlarged.
